Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Great Equalizer - 1

‘They look so dead to me’ was my perpetual complain, and the reply was permanent too -“everyone is special in his own way” or “you shouldn’t judge people like that, there is something special in every person”. Twenty years hence, a lot has changed but their answers still resonate in my mind. I still wonder where did all this - 'everyone is special' came from. I seriously think that the world is pretty homogeneous right now in terms of consumption habits, environment issues, resources and most importantly – quality of population.

The human-race as I see it divided into two parts: Dead Men and Passionate Men. I know passion is the most abused word in English Dictionary these days (after Love and Attitude off course). To make it simpler for everyone - passion is what makes Peter Jackson accomplish LOTR trilogy, passion is the reason why Bhagat Singh died for his country, and passion is the reason why Rock makes you head-bang (and so much more). The Dead Men however, are exactly the opposite of passionate people. They form 90 percent of the human race and it’s not hard to spot them actually.

My research led me to two statements, and one of these was correct for sure:

1) If everyone is special in his own way, the world can’t have so many dead men.

2) If the world had so many dead men, then everyone can’t be special.

My research now needed some hardcore primary research. And I did it; most of the research was done on the internet though. Sample size was very close to a thousand men. The sample was not homogeneous by any standards. Research covered men from various nationalities, religion, financial backgrounds, states, race, and continents. The results of this year long research didn’t surprise me at all … the world indeed has 90% population as dead men. So it is safe to say that everyone here on earth isn’t special.

This blog entry however, wasn’t about proving Dead Men > Passionate Men. I strongly believe that there is some truth in the quote – ‘every man is special’ and there would have surely been some time when the world had more Passionates than the Deads. So what went wrong? How come the world is reduced to what it is right now? Why is the species of Passionates on a decline? How did the rise of Deads started and what triggered it? What is it that converted this world into a homogeneous world? I have been living with these questions for years now, and fortunately I am getting close to finding the answers. In order to understand it, we need to go back in time …

In 1864 Herbert Spencer coins a phrase after reading Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species. The phrase was true and curt, the phrase — ‘Survival of the fittest’ was first published in his Principles of Biology (1864). And it did invite a lot of attention and reactions from academicians. The phrase however, was also a warning bell for some people in the society. Within days the world was full of secret societies and underground associations of frightened men. These men were scared for a number of reasons, but the most important reasons were- these men knew they are ‘unfit’ (mediocre and non-passionate or deads) and they feared their extinction because they were in minority.

Most of the celebrities in those times were scientists, photographers, artists and film-directors (unlike Paris Hilton, Rakhi Sawant and Rahul Mahajan of these times). These people were really passionate about their work and therefore got the best of women. This made the Deads (unfits) even more paranoid. The Deads craved for these women, they had to win them over but there was just no way they could have done it. Passionates on the other hand, kept doing what they did best and were never so bothered about women actually.

After months of brain-storming and strategizing the Deads finally made a breakthrough. This indeed meant a lot to them, since this can ensure a future for their future generations. They came up with something which will be ‘the great equalizer’. This will change the future of human-race and make it homogeneous. It will soon bring in times when ‘something different in every man’ will be obsolete …


  1. the title suggest that there is/are more parts. :) Facts have been so well woven!! would be waiting for the next one..

  2. A good one.......Deads will always encourage THEM to do more better things....Like this....!!

  3. Was reminded of Fountainhead... Passionate - The Roark... Dead - the keating... and then there are so many Tooheys in their attempt for this this "Great Equalizer"... well written bro!

  4. Its time we reached the proverbial "Equilibrium"...thats what the ideal state is but sadly I dont see that happening...there are too many rats out there...not living for today but living for their future and thus spoiling the real fun of life...

    Waiting for the next part...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Recently I have come to realise that at most times than not, the reality as we see in the world is directly proportional to our psychological and spiritual growth. So, the world is our reflection and not the other way round.
    So, the number of passionate men [and women ;)] never really went down. They are all there - like you said - doing their own thing, not really bothered about anything else. The thing is that we find them when we seek our passion.

    Also, contrary to what you believe, I think there are a lot more passionate people in this age than ever, who are brave and have the courage and vision to follow their hearts.

    And me too waiting for the 2nd part.

  7. I give you a simple Hitlersque solution, eliminate all the mediocre, sometimes organs are required to amputated to stop the gangrene and protect the whole body, kille’m all.

  8. This post is a break-through post in the history of human race.. The great equalizer brings forth the great divide... Well thought topic and the suspense of what's coming next is gripping me onto for waiting for the second part..

  9. I love the way you have woven fact and opinion.research is thorough. And this write up reminds me of the recent literary or cultural studies essays and articles by marx, camus, pirandolla or even spencer :).I have always believed that there is no absolute history. And you hav given me a reason even more so that we create our own histories to live by. to have a perspective so vivid. I am sure you are very passionate about expressing it. and that passion shown here..loved the "after love and attitude" bit..:)
