Monday, March 1, 2010


Its stimulating aroma,
takes my soul on a drive,
simply arrests my thoughts.
At this moment in time,
am taken into custody,
of this temptation sublime.

As I raise the cup to my lips,
I acknowledge my submission.
I know that I am indebted,
to those kings of Arabia,
plantations in Brazil and
so many men of Ethiopia.

Makes me think of film scripts,
Literature, paintings, Lyrics,
Those innumerable dreams and stories,
where coffee has been the catalyst.
I am so glad together we grew,
Thank God for this dash of brew.

Coffee and conversations with you,
is the closest I have known ‘bliss’.
Those laughter, tears, hopes,
discussions, flowers and kiss.
I want to admit this today,
on a day like this,
it is only you I miss.


  1. Nicely intertwined Bhai!!
    Coffees... yes.. indeed many memories!!
    "Thank God for this dash of brew." - Cant agree more!!
    If i can share a memory/wish which has never come true - Nice Blend of coffee, close friends and a game of scrabble!! :)

  2. Hehe...remind me to send you a dvd of a friends' band. They wrote a song on coffee...the male lead's barritone is just plain intoxication and then the song is about coffee...Hits Hard!!

  3. retentions !!! good or bad can only decide when it came up with a "SUBMISSION".

  4. For times like those when the brew innocently made up for the love, hatred, cospiracy, confusion or just a reunion over the table. The aroma never changed but only the living around. Wonder how many lives started, nurtured and ended on a coffe table...

  5. very nice, Devesh. I didn't know even poetry was amongst your creative domain.
    But honestly, I think the world wouldnt go round, without coffee.. ;)

  6. Thanks Appu. when you say 'nice' I believe its nice :)

    @ Deepak : well said mate. very well ...

    @ Kirti : I have just started with it :) and yes i totally agree with the last line ....

  7. Just send me your address by would receive your gift very soon !!!

